New report on big data in research
How does Big Data change research? Which norms are tested? How should researchers and other actors in the research system meet these challenges?
This event was mainly in Norwegian. You can watch the recording here. It will be texted before the end of October.
When: October 15th, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Where: Zoom (digital)
Big Data-research challenges the ethical frameworks and assumptions that traditionally apply to researchers and ethics review boards. Through their own work and international cooperation, the National Research Ethics Committees in Norway have identified the need for a review of the challenges posed by Big Data and their implications for research ethics. In 2019, an interdisciplinary committee was charged with exploring the topic and producing a report on Big Data-research and research ethics. The group focused on three main questions:
- How does Big Data change research?
- Which norms are tested?
- How should researchers and other actors in the research system meet these challenges?
The report will be commented by:
Michael Riegler (SimulaMet)
Robindra Prabhu (NAV, AI-lab)
Bjarne Foss (prorector, NTNU)
There will be time for questions.