Printed version of the Research Ethics Magazine
For the ENRIO Congress 2023, we have made an issue of our independent magazine for our English speaking audience.

The magazine consists of articles that are previously published in Norwegian and translated, explains editor in chief Elin Fugelsnes in the editorial.
"Even though we mainly write from a Norwegian perspective, the research and its ethics and integrity are international. Researchers are collaborating more across national borders, and in general, research projects are increasing in both size and complexity. The research has also become more important in areas such as policymaking and technology development, and thus also in everyday life."
By translating a small selection of the magazine's rich archive into English, we can reach more readers both in Norway and abroad, she says.
"We believe that sharing knowledge and reflections creates awareness and stimulates debate."
You can download the magazine here. You can alos subscribe to the magazine (Norwegian) for free.
For more, check out The Research Ethics Magazine