Cases for discussion

These cases are more or less made-up or constructed narratives, which can serve as a starting point for reflection and discussion on research ethics issues.

Interpreting Self-Perceptions

How should researchers inform participants and obtain consent in a study on the gap between actual and self-reported competence?

An Authorship Dilemma

Does it really matter if researchers are a bit "generous" with co-authorship?

Subutex and Placebo

What research ethics questions arise when giving a placebo to heroin addicts?

Doubtful Life-Saving

What considerations must be made when conducting research on the acute treatment of unconscious patients?

Water Purification with Nanotechnology

A water filter containing nanoparticles is set to be commercialized. Is four weeks of testing on mice sufficient to ensure the product's safety?

Krestin, possible fraud case

What do you do when you suspect your supervisor of fraud, but they claim that the questionable elements in the article come from other collaborators?

Sculptures from Bangladesh

Should one conduct research on sculptures sold out of their country of origin via corrupt officials?

Ida, Psychotic Patient

Does participatory observation in an acute psychiatric ward impose an unacceptable additional burden on patients?

Surveys among schoolchildren

Which questions are not justifiable to ask children answering questionnaires in a school setting?

Golden Rice

What purpose should GM plants serve?

A meeting with Vietnamese migrant women

Is it legitimate for a researcher to ask questions that are common in Norway but are considered part of the intimate sphere for participants in the given country?