Interpreting Self-Perceptions
How should researchers inform participants and obtain consent in a study on the gap between actual and self-reported competence?
[The following text is an example or "case" that can serve as a basis for reflection and discussion. Some examples may be based on real events, while others are fictional representations.]
A PhD student plans to use a neo-Freudian theory to interpret individuals’ self-perceptions regarding their competence in so-called "high culture" fields such as opera, architecture, and poetry. The theory suggests that significant discrepancies between actual and self-reported competence can be explained as "IoI"—"Ignorance of Ignorance." This condition is believed to stem from excessive encouragement by authority figures during early childhood, rendering the individual unable to recognize their own limitations across all areas of life. High culture is a particularly useful domain for studying this phenomenon since incompetence in this field is relatively easy to identify. This is because the subject matter includes verifiable facts, and a lack of such factual knowledge is fairly common.
The project involves conducting semi-structured in-depth interviews lasting 1–2 hours with 25 participants, followed by an analysis of the material to uncover which unconscious or preconscious strategies individuals with pronounced IoI tend to employ.
- Given that the study aims to reveal IoI and the strategies participants are unaware of themselves, how can the student obtain informed consent from them? Is there a way to do this without compromising the results? If not, would it be ethically permissible to conduct the project with only limited information provided in advance?
- The student assumes that good research practice includes sharing the results with participants afterward. How can this be done in a way that does not offend them or damage their self-image? Would it be justifiable to conduct the project even if no such approach exists?
- What qualities should a researcher possess in order to carry out a project of this nature in an ethically responsible manner? Is there any reason why this type of study could not be conducted as part of a PhD program?
Note: This is a translation of the Norwegian original text by Johanne Svanes Oskarsen.