The Cape Town Statement on Fostering Research Integrity through Fairness and Equity
This statement, published in 2023, advocates for fair practice from conception to implementation of research and provides 20 recommendations aimed at all involved stakeholders.
The statement was a result of the 7th World Conference on Research Integrity (7thWCRI) in Cape Town in May 2022. The theme of the conference was “Fostering Research Integrity in an unequal world”.
The preamble states that "participants at this conference recognised that unfair and inequitable research practices remain prevalent at all stages of research from proposal development to funding application, data collection, analysis, sharing and access, reporting and translation. These practices can impact the integrity of research in many ways (...) ".
The statement has 20 recommendations under five headlines:
- Diversity and Inclusivity as a pathway to fair practice and attribution
- Fair Practice from conception to implementation
- Mutual Respect as a pathway to trust
- Shared Accountability
- Indigenous Knowledge Recognition and Epistemic justice
You can find the statment in full text on the website of the World Conferences on Research Integrity.