The Research Ethics Magazine

Independent Norwegian magazine covering current issues in research ethics and research integrity. Published by the National Research Ethics Committees. Free subscription.

Only a limited number of articles are translated into English. Please see our Norwegian pages for more information about the magazine, or contact the editor. She would also like to know if there are articles from the magazine that you would like to see in English.

In 2023 we made a special edition of the printed magazine in English, containing translated articles.

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Cover of the magazine. One hand showing thumbs up, one showing thumbs down


Institusions approve research projects themselves. And: On aDNA and how it has always relied upon public interest and media attention to keep moving.

Cover of the Magazine. A profil photo of a man (Hans Wasmuth)


From this issue: Trine B. Haugen was researching cancer, but something else also emerged in the analysis of patients’ genes. 

The cover of the research ethics magazine no 3 2021


Ethics work criticised by Auditor General. Advice on co-authorship. And: Authorship-order decided by croquet. 

Cover of the magazine


Publishing preliminary findings can lead to researchers making important corrections. But credibility can also be compromised.

The cover of the magazine showing  Mari Sundli Tveit, the new chief executive of The Research Council of Norway.


The two most famous social psychology experiments in history revealed the underlying evil of human beings – or did they?

Cover of the magazine research ethics no 3 2020


Norwegian researchers are using the controversial CRISPR-method for gene editing.

Cover of The Research Ethics Magazine no. 2, 2020. Man holding pipette in lab


Anniversary edition – 30 years since the Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees were established


Main story: A Chinese "paper mill" has produced at least 400 scientific articles to order. A Norwegian researcher was central to the discovery.

Cover of the magazine. A cartoon scientist balancing a curve.


‘Many researchers lack skills in statistics. Major errors and inaccurate conclusions are common’, says Lars Holden.