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Journal editor: – A lie can travel around the world in a few hours

Publishing preliminary findings can lead to researchers making important corrections. But credibility can also be compromised.

The Magazine Research Ethics is an independent magazine on research ethics and research integrity published by the National Research Ethics Committees (FEK) in Norway. ISSN digital edition: 2387-3094.

From this issue we give you an article on the problems arising from publishing preliminary finding. And we tell you the story on how part of vaccine scepticism seen today can be traced back to an experiment 40 years ago.

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Salmon is the new guinea pig

1.7 million salmon were used in animal experiments in Norway last year. Norway’s extensive research on salmon and other fish makes it Europe’s most prolific user of test animals. 

‘Crucial knowledge on disasters is lacking’

According to disaster researchers, an exaggerated fear of overburdening the Utøya victims and their loved ones impeded important research in the aftermath of 22 July 2011.

My dilemma: Shrunken heads not a selfie opportunity

In Bergen, museum visitors have been able to see a head taken as a war trophy. Curator Åshild Sunde Feyling Thorsen was concerned about creating stereotypical perceptions of the people of the Amazon.

Not informed of syphilis diagnosis

For 40 years, researchers failed to treat 200 African-Americans infected with syphilis. The vaccine scepticism seen today can be traced back to this experiment.