Antologi, Skjelettutvalget, 2012
More than just bones – Ethics and research on human remains
Hallvard Fossheim (red.)
Forskning på menneskelige levninger kan hjelpe oss til å forstå historien bedre. Nye metoder gir stadig nye muligheter for kunnskap, men samtidig må vi søke å bevare de ofte begrensede levningene for framtiden. Dette fører også til utfordringer og etiske dilemma. Tanken bak boka er at bredden i artiklene skal føre til diskusjon og etisk debatt i fagmiljøene.
- Introductory remarks, by Hallvard Fossheim
- ‘To balance the rights of the living and the dead’: Reflections on issues raised in the Norwegian National Committee for Evaluation of Research on Human Remains, by Oddbjørn Sørmoen
- Ethical issues in the semi-darkness: Skeletal remains and Sámi graves from Arctic Northern Norway, by Ingegerd Holand and Ingrid Sommerseth
- Archaeology and human remains: Handle with care! Recent English experiences, by Sebastian Payne
- Research on human remains of indigenous people: Reflections from an archaeological perspective (with an example from Rounala), by Kjell-Åke Aronsson
- The ethics of destructive bone analyses (with examples from Denmark and Greenland), by Niels Lynnerup
- Analysis of DNA from bone: Benefits versus losses, by Erika Hagelberg
- Duties to past persons: The moral standing and posthumous interest of old human remains, by Malin Masterton
- Ancient skeletons and ethical dilemmas, by Berit Sellevold